
To promote the ISAC sduty, we build a sensing channel dataset -- Sensiverse, which includes channel data in different scenarios and a large number of scenes and can bring the following benefits.
  • Building a multi-scenario and multi-mode sensing channel dataset supports applications such as moving target detection, 3D environment imaging and reconstruction, and integrated sensing and communication solution evaluation.
  • Avoiding the problem of evaluating results that do not converge to the real performance due to a limited number of evaluated channel samples.
  • Mitigating the problem of high computational complexity. The dataset is generated offline and stored, which exchanges storage for computing power to reduce the computational resource consumption required by subsequent large-scale simulation evaluations.
  • The dataset can be used for calibration and training of hybrid channel models and for training and testing in machine learning for sensing.
We will continue to update and enrich its contents in the future, and welcome feedbacks and suggestions from industry and academia to participate in expanding the dataset together.

Scenarios supported and examples

  • Scenarios supported: in this release of the Sensiverse v1.0, over 25 city and 100+ scenes from worldwide are supported, as shown below. The map information are extracted from OpenStreetMap Database.
  • Examples: use cases such as 3D environment reconstruction and moving extended objected detection & tracking in mono-static and bi-static modes are supported as exemplarily shown below. Over 15TB of data in all four bands - 3.5GHz, 10GHz, 26GHz and 100GHz in total.
  • 3D environment reconstruction

    Moscow @3.5GHz
    Munich @26GHz

    multi-static extended object tracking

    Groundtruth of trajectory
    Sensing results @10GHz


    Dataset is now available for download
    Paper for Sensiverse Dataset is released at arXiv
    Paper for environment reconstrction based on hybrid aperture snesing is available for download


    This Sensiverse dataset is made available under the Open Database License: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/odbl/1.0/. Any rights in individual contents of the database are licensed under the Database Contents License: http://opendatacommons.org/licenses/dbcl/1.0/.


          title={Sensiverse: A dataset for ISAC study}, 
          author={Jiajin Luo, Baojian Zhou, Yang Yu, Ping Zhang, Xiaohui Peng, Jianglei Ma, Peiying Zhu, Jianmin Lu, Wen Tong},
    If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact us via email at luojiajin@huawei.com